As youth mobile device use, including smartphones and tablets, has grown rapidly, even among very young children – time spent on mobile devices among 0-8 year olds increased by over 1000% from 2011-2020 – so has concern about potential negative health consequences. In addition to widespread concerns about impacts on young people’s mental health, social and emotional skill development, and sleep, mobile device use also allows for exposure to marketing of health-harming products, including foods and beverages that increase the risk of obesity and diet-related chronic diseases.
This study estimates how frequently young children, who are particularly vulnerable to advertising, view food and beverage marketing while using mobile devices.
Full Citation: Kenney, E. L., Mozaffarian, R. S., Norris, J., Fleming-Milici, F., & Bleich, S. N. (2024). Estimating young children’s exposure to food and beverage marketing on mobile devices. Current Developments in Nutrition, 104505.